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[:en]Facebook Page[:sv]Facebook Sida[:]

[:en]As you all know, I have my Olderhvit Photography Facebook Page, with my “daily” update of my work.
However, I have 2 sides to my photography. Street Photography and then everything else. (alot of my boring commercial work is not posted at all)

For some time I have used another site for my Street work , under the name: Framing The Street (will be updated shortly I hope) 😉

I also felt that posting too much of my Street work on Olderhvit Photography page, would put all the focus on Street Photography. That’s why I have been holding back.
So, finally I had to do something about it, hence the new Facebook page with the same name as the site – Framing The Street on Facebook

This is what it looks like 🙂

Framing The Street Facebook Page[:]

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